Kenya’s rapid but unequal pace of economic growth is having enormous political and social ramifications. New development efforts, therefore, present both serious conflict risks and enormous opportunities for positive change in the poorest and most marginalized areas of the country.

The connections between political and state power, ethnicity and identity, and access to resources and wealth which are the basis for the country’s political economy make a conflict-sensitive approach to development more than ever urgent in addressing the long-term drivers of conflict, enabling investment, inclusive growth, equitable service delivery, and promoting community security. REINVENT’s approach to conflict-sensitive development (CSD) promotes the practice of conflict sensitivity among state, development actors, and the private sector in their planning and implementation for development in the country. This workstream was led by the Danish Demining Group.


Promotes the practice of conflict sensitivity among state, development actors and private sector in their planning and implementation for development in the country.


Conduct conflict sensitivity assessments to increase understanding of the interaction between drivers of conflict and development interventions to increase awareness of issues, influence policies, behaviour change and put in place pro-active conflict sensitive development approaches by stakeholders.


Strengthen capacities of national and county institutions on CSD to enhance buy-in and mainstreaming of conflict sensitivity in strategic policy frameworks, processes and implementation by state, private sector and community actors.


Promote constructive engagement between private sector, government & community initiatives on locally owned, inclusive solutions.


Engage downstream partners to spearhead community-centered advocacy initiatives around social accountability and equitable benefits for development


Strengthen the capacity of the REINVENT and other DFID -funded programmes to enhance knowledge and skills on CSD programming, policy and implementation among actors.